

At CPCMG, we know just how important it is to have continuous support in your breastfeeding journey – the questions don’t end when you get home from the hospital! In fact, you may have more questions which you can ask during your appointment with a CPCMG International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (just ask your CPCMG provider for a referral). But don’t forget you can also ask those questions during our weekly virtual lactation classes and support groups.

When I became a mom, I was the first one of my family and friends to give breastfeeding a try, so I felt lost and did not have much information. I went to breastfeeding support groups for the first three months with my baby. If it weren’t for those groups, I probably would have stopped breastfeeding! I found my “tribe” – other sleep deprived, really cool mamas that had just as many questions as I did. I remember thinking that I did not have enough milk for my baby. Every time my son would ask for more milk – more or less every hour or two – I would think I was failing him. I was under the impression that I should only feed him every three hours. I thought that if I offered the breast more often, I would “spoil my baby” and he would start “using me as a pacifier.” Have you ever been told that your milk is not fatty or nutritious enough? Well, nothing can be farther from the truth! Most women can produce enough milk for their babies and your milk is always perfect for your little one.

I learned at the support groups that breastmilk digests very easily and that it’s absolutely normal for babies to ask for the breast very often. I learned that babies have tiny tummies! I learned about growth spurts. This is when babies feed more often because they are growing so fast. I also learned that there is no such thing as spoiling your baby. Babies that feed often will not only stimulate the breast and help your milk production but being skin to skin helps them thrive. You are offering not only milk, but warmth, connection and wonderful mama love.

Here are three reasons why being part of a support group and having correct lactation information will make a huge difference in your breastfeeding journey:

1. Support is necessary for all women. Postpartum is a very delicate stage and you might feel overwhelmed. Your body is healing and your mind is blown because well, you just had a tiny human! There are studies that show that postpartum depression decreases when women have the correct support. You can attend CPCMG’s virtual lactation classes and support group from the convenience of your own home which will help you feel part of a community, relaxed and supported – all of this will positively your and your baby’s overall health directly.

2. Continued support makes it easier for you to have an adequate milk supply for your baby. The early weeks are crucial for milk production. There is a peak in prolactin – the milk-making hormone – and it is essential that any issues are addressed as early as possible. You might want to stop breastfeeding because it is too difficult. As days go by, mothers start feeling less confident and start to get discouraged, so they might turn to formula to help with feeding. We know formula can nourish your baby and it is a perfectly acceptable choice, but we also know that it might become an obstacle for breastfeeding. CPCMG Lactation Classes and Support groups are a great way to clear up any questions and start working on your milk production sooner rather than later, since time is of the essence. Take advantage of latching tips and pumping tips, and most of all take advantage that you are being flooded with prolactin!

3. Support groups are a great place to debunk myths. Our lactation classes and support groups are led by an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, so you can be sure you are getting accurate information and most of all, peace of mind. Sometimes family and friends will try to help but they might pass on outdated or wrong information. For example, you do not have to drink a bowl of oatmeal to have more milk and the size of your breasts do not matter in terms of milk production. Human milk is produced on demand, meaning that the more you feed your baby, the more milk your body produces! When it comes to breastfeeding, make sure you are getting advice from the experts and not following old wives’ tales.

Having access to lactation support in those crazy newborn days will have a positive impact in your breastfeeding experience. Our virtual lactation classes and groups are a safe, judgment free space for our CPCMG families. This includes moms who are exclusively feeding human milk, those who are supplementing and/or pumping, moms who want to breastfeed until the baby is a toddler, and moms who aren’t sure how long they’ll breastfeed. This is your space! Everyone is welcome!

Please call our lactation coordinator at 858-302-2269 to enroll. We hope to see you very soon!

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