

Rebecca Creekmore, MD, FAAP

Name: Rebecca Creekmore

Title: MD, FAAP

Sex: F

Personal Statement:

“Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by medicine – I was the “doctor” to my stuffed animals and dolls and was excited every week to watch the newest episode of “ER.” In high school I volunteered at a local camp for kids with diabetes and the combination of medicine, kids and the outdoors let me to my passion – pediatrics!

I enjoy watching children grow from infants to toddlers to kids to teenagers because it provides me the opportunity to wear different “hats” whether it’s listener, teacher, cheerleader, advocator, or pediatrician, depending on the type of support and needs at the time.

I was born and raised in San Diego! My family still lives here and we enjoy the outdoors from hiking at Mission Trails to swimming in the Cove to walking around Lake Murray. Any chance I get, I am outside – I love swimming, hiking, surfing, kayaking, and running.”

Medical School: St. George's University

Residency: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Campus Amarillo

Region: East County
