***Pre-registration required to attend at solanacenter.org/events***
Bokashi fermentation is used for composting all organic waste, including meat, dairy and liquids. It was developed in Japan, and uses lactobacillus bacteria to ferment food prior to composting, which minimizes odors and decreases composting time. The process is similar to the making of yogurt, cheese, and sauerkraut.
In this FREE workshop, we will present on the following topics:
-What is Bokashi?
-How is it used?
The second half of the workshop will involve:
-Demo of actual Bokashi fermented food waste (FFW) compost
-Bokashi compost bin build and setup, integrating waste collected from Solana Center’s Community Composting program.
-Creating potting soil from Bokashi
Class will be taught by our Environmental Educator, Ron McCord.
Bokashi bran and all related composting supplies will be available for sale at the workshop.
This composting workshop is funded by the City of Encinitas