The City of Oceanside will host a public workshop on a draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) and a draft policy framework for the Energy and Climate Action Element (ECAP) on March 15th in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The workshop will begin at 5:30 with an open house offering participants an opportunity to interact with members of the project team, who will share infographics on local sources of GHG emissions, proposed GHG emissions reduction measures, proposed ECAP goals and policies, and personal choices stakeholders can make to reduce their individual carbon footprint.
At 6:30, the project team will deliver a whole-group presentation and field questions and comments from participants. Public input collected at the workshop will contribute to the refinement of both the CAP and the ECAP policy framework.
At least a week in advance of the workshop, the draft Cap and Draft ECAP will be posted to the project webpage at the following link (
Should you have questions about the project, or if you are unable to attend the workshop but want to provide comment, please contact Principal Planner Russ Cunningham at or (760) 435-3525.