TRUE OR FALSE: A baby walker will help
my child learn to walk.

This is FALSE!
Using a baby walker will not help babies learn to stand or walk. In fact, there are strong associations between walker use and developmental delays in balance skills that are needed for walking. Walkers may also interfere with muscle and joint development.
Another myth: A baby walker is a safe play space to put my baby for a few minutes.
Again, this is FALSE! Leaving a baby alone in a baby walker puts them at risk of getting seriously injured. Children who play in baby walkers can end up getting seriously hurt with injuries to their head or neck and broken bones from flipping over or falling down. Walkers allow babies to move quickly to places outside of their parents’ reach, and often where they can grab dangerous items, putting them at risk for burns and poisoning.
Safer alternatives: The American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents not to use baby walkers. Instead, consider a stationary activity center that doesn’t rock or move. Never leave a baby alone while in one of these activity centers.